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Lab Grown diamonds
Our Shimmering Favorites

Close up photograph of hands each wearing a diamond ring and bracelets
Hand wearing 3 diamond rings
Woman's hand resting against her hip with a diamond ring on one finger and a bracelet around the wrist

This Diamond’s For You

So, you might be asking yourself what the difference is between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds. Well, the truth is there really isn’t a big difference. Both lab grown and natural diamonds are the real deal, authentic stones that sparkle with all the luster of special moments and memories. In fact, if you put a lab grown diamond next to a mined diamond, they’re the same.

All diamonds are born from enormous pressure and heat. Natural diamonds are formed deep beneath the earth’s crust and then forced to the surface. On the other hand, lab grown diamonds are created under similar conditions in a lab. This process cuts out the cost of mining, making lab grown diamonds more affordable, giving you more bang for your buck. This in turn offers more options for you to choose from. That’s pretty much a win-win.

At Meritage, you decide what diamond is best for you, whether it’s lab grown or mined Using our lab grown search tool, you can find a diamond that fits your specifications, from shape to carat. Better yet, visit us today and let our friendly experts help you find your ideal diamond.

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